http://www.umbilicalbrothers.com/Wenn man die zwei zu ihrer Show „Don’t Explain“ befragt, dann bekommt man als Antwort nur einen Verweis auf den Titel. Und überhaupt sind die beiden sehr ungleiche Brüder. Shane gibt an, von Space Bunnys aufgezogen worden zu sein, und David beschreibt sich ohnehin als wahnsinnig unterentwickeltes Mega-Genie. Die beiden Australier sind mittlerweile auf der ganzen Welt zuhause, ob nun in der Late-Night-Show des Kult-Talkers David Letterman oder bei Stefan Raab. Ihr verrückter Mix aus Body- Comedy, Sound ’n’ Mime, Artistik und anarchischem Humor zeigt das ganze Spektrum der Comedy-Allrounder, fast ohne Worte…
The Umbilical Brothers
They have faced off against George Negus, played charades with Harry Shearer, have multi-platinum, award-winning DVD’s, supported Take That just before Robbie left and N’Sync just before JT left (if you’d like Human Nature to break up just give them a call), performed for the Queen at the Royal Variety Performance, served a ball into Pat Rafter’s backside in front of thousands, appeared on Jay Leno with their second biggest US fan Robin Williams, and are regularly stalked by American mothers after the success of their kids TV show in the US. The Umbilical Brothers are a global comedy phenomenon, and they are touring Brisbane, Sydney & Adelaide in 2008 with their show Don’t Explain.
He who holds the microphone creates the sound that controls the universe. The only problem: there is only one mic. On the way to the final showdown you will see cartoon arms races, hilarious Germans, children’s entertainment gone awry, kung fu flies and tap dancing cowboys.
Since 1991 The Umbilical Brothers have delighted fans around the world, as they twist theatrical rules and everyday situations into comedy triumph. Time Out NY called them “Australia’s hottest export since vegemite”.
From Hawaii to Tokyo, New York to Stockholm, audiences have laughed like idiots at this acclaimed performance, as Shane and Dave use the entire comedy spectrum to convey their craft in their signature show, Don’t Explain. In its incarnation as ‘Thwak’, their New York show which ran for a year Off Broadway, the show was nominated for a Drama Desk Award for Most Unique Theatrical Entertainment. Time Magazine called it “Pure theatre and pure fun”.
The appeal of the show goes across generations. The children in the audience were as enthralled by the physical comedy as the adults, and the more extreme or complex material merrily sailed over their heads. As the New York Times confirmed “You’re left only to shake your head and marvel”